Monday, July 11, 2011

Rainy Days and Wednesdays by Whiteberry

Hey, how come we lined up here with umbrellas?
We could never be together, could we?
Hey, on these rainy June Wednesdays,
I want to see you so bad

While being bewildered
While shining brightly
Every day of our life is full of mistakes
Falling in love and parting ways
I don't want to forget anything
I'm okay and walking forward
Right now I'm alone

The raindrops trailing down the window like jewels
Every day of our life flips upside down
Yes, despite these rainy June Wednesdays,
The two of us will be happy

I don't want to forget
I don't want to be away from you
I whispered these words that night
Someday, the sky will surely clear up
And wash away my heart
"I love you"
For the first time, I knew that
And now I'm alone

The two of us watched the rainbow after the rain
"We'll definitely see this again."
But we won't meet again under this sky
All of this is so important
And tomorrow will be more important
"I don't get it."
I just don't get it, but tomorrow, summer will still be here

While being bewildered
While shining brightly
Every day of our life is full of mistakes
Falling in love and parting ways
I don't want to forget anyone
I'm okay and walking forward
Right now I'm alone

I don't want to forget
I don't want to be away from you
I whispered these words that night
Someday, the sky will surely clear up
And wash away up to my heart
"I love you"
For the first time, I knew that
And now I'm alone

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear God, thank you so much for the translation. I thought I would never find one, thank you thank you thank you.
